Business Friendly - It's In Our Nature.

The full-service community of Norton Shores is a wonderful place to live, work and play. Located along six miles of Lake Michigan shoreline, it boasts nearly 1700 acres of park land - most on its’ four inland lakes - beautiful and safe neighborhoods, the retail center of Muskegon County and excellent public and private schools. It’s also a manufacturing powerhouse with five industrial parks hosting production of advanced aerospace, furnishings, lighting and many other products. With close proximity to major highways, local air service, talented labor and low property tax rate, your business will be perfectly positioned for success. Join the 25,000 friendly residents and 630 businesses who have found this hidden gem nestled in the dunes of West Michigan and enjoy an affordable high quality of life.

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Why Norton Shores?

Current Economic Development Projects

Project Location Map

Site Plans and Elevations (Coming Soon)

Economic Development Update Video

Business Incentives

Muskegon County Manufacturers Directory

Business Quick Links