Building Division Applications & Permits
Fillable Applications
Printable Application
Right of Way Permits (Streets Division)
A permit is needed to work in the Road Right of Way. A 2 (business) day advance notice is required prior to commencing work in the Right of Way
Please contact the Streets Division for questions regarding Right of Way Permits (231) 798-2156.
Please return this to the Streets Division at 1174 E. Mt. Garfield Road
Don't forget to call 1-800-MISS DIG (1-800-482-7171)
DEQ Regulations (Critical Dunes)
Sand Dunes - The most fragile areas of Michigan's dunes can be protected while balancing the benefits of economic development, multiple human uses and benefits of public access and enjoyment through the protection of steep, erosive slopes, using alternative construction techniques to reduce the impacts of development on dunes, and protecting dune vegetation essential to dune preservation and stability Michigan's critical dune areas are protected. Earth-moving, vegetation removal, and construction activities within a critical dune area are regulated through a permit program. For more information, please visit State of Michigan Website.
The City of Norton Shores works with the State of Michigan for DEQ Permits:
- Contact Nancy Cuncannan - (616) 690-1229
Soil Erosion & Sedimentation Control (SESC)
The massive quantity of dirt entering the State waterways each year is damaging and costly, therefore A SESC permit is generally required for any earth change that disturbs one or more acres, or is within 500 feet of a lake or stream. For more information, visit Muskegon Website.
The City of Norton Shores works with the County of Muskegon for SESC Permits:
- (231) 724-6411
- 131 E. Apple Avenue, 4th Floor, Muskegon, MI 49442