City Boards & Commissions
The City of Norton Shores has several standing Boards and Commissions with many ranges of activity. All but elected Council member positions are unpaid, volunteer positions appointed and/or approved by the City Council. As terms expire or members resign, openings will become available and residents are encouraged to seek appointment to open seats. If you have an interest in becoming involved as a member of one of the following Boards or Commissions, please complete the application provided on this page and send it to the Norton Shores City Clerk, 4814 Henry Street, Norton Shores, MI 49441 or Email.
No current Vacancies
Mayor and Council
Mayor, as presiding officer, elected at large, four-year term
Eight Council Members, four (4) elected at large and two (2) elected from each of the two wards, four-year term
Meetings - 1st and 3rd Tuesday (Community Room-Norton Branch Library) and 4th Tuesday (Conference Room-City Hall) work session, 5:30 p.m.
Planning Commission
Nine Commission Members, appointed by the Mayor and approved by the Council, three-year terms
Meetings - 2nd Tuesday, on as-needed basis (Community Room-Norton Branch Library), 5:30 p.m.
Zoning Board of Appeals
Seven Zoning Board of Appeals Members, appointed by the Mayor and approved by the Council, three-year terms
Meetings - 3rd Wednesday, on as-needed basis (Conference Room-City Hall). 4:00 p.m.
Economic Development/Tax Increment Finance Authority/Brownfield Redevelopment Authority
Nine members or more, appointed by the Mayor and approved by the Council, six-year terms
Meetings - as-needed basis
Board of Review
Three members of the community, appointed by the Mayor, four-year terms
Meetings - 3 days in March with day and evening hours
Election Commission
Two duly registered electors of the City, appointed by the City Council, indefinite terms
Meetings - approximately one month prior to every election; otherwise, as needed