Traffic Advisory: Harvey Street Lane Closures for Paving Operations

Date: Tuesday, October 8 – Wednesday, October 9

We would like to inform the public that Harvey Street, between Ellis Road and Sternberg Road, will experience shifting lane closures on Tuesday, October 8 and Wednesday, October 9 for pavement placement. This is part of the Hot-in-Place pavement recycling and resurfacing project for this year.

What to Expect:

  • Shifting lane closures will take place throughout both days.
  • Traffic will be managed using construction signs, cones, and flaggers.
  • Expect delays and short-term stoppages in the area.

We recommend using alternate routes around the work zone to avoid traffic congestion. Your cooperation and patience are appreciated as we work to improve the quality of our roads.

For more updates on this project or other road closures, please check our website regularly or follow our social media channels.