Aptive Environmental is NO LONGER a permitted solicitor.

Please call 9-1-1 whenever individuals attempt to solicit in your neighborhood without a City-issued picture ID.

 Direct Engery (or Pro Business for Direct Energy) is NOT a permitted solicitor.

Please call 9-1-1 whenever individuals attempt to solicit in your neighborhood without a City-issued picture ID.

 Ecoshield Pest Solutions is NO LONGER a permitted solicitor.

Please call 9-1-1 whenever individuals attempt to solicit in your neighborhood without a City-issued picture ID.

 Frontier Communications is NOT permitted for door to door soliciting at this time.

Please call 9-1-1 whenever individuals attempt to solicit in your neighborhood without a City-issued picture ID.
Brendan Moore
Gabriel Hogenson
Wyatt Borgeld
Ashley Merriman
Keagon Tryon

 All Weather Seal

Mark DeYoung
Adam Furman


Connor Swaffer
Dylan Crow
Annica Barlow
Mason Bolen
Kodi Drake
Madelyn Patz

 Erie Home

Kyle Mart
Joseph McCaleb
Tyler Nichols
Kyler Phillips

 Renewal by Andersen